MatterSphere has the ability to display all your tasks in one place and also in different places depending on the type of task.
It will also give you the option to be able to add, edit, delete, assign and unassign to give you full control over your tasks and ultimately your matters. We will cover adding tasks in the next blog.
When Tasks are assigned to specific users this means they will appear in that users individual task list as well as remaining in the Matter Tasks.
Assign and Unassign
Tasks can be unassigned and also assigned to others from several different places.
Command Centre > Tasks
Matter > Tasks
Right Click Task
The steps are exactly the same regardless of which screen you are in.
- Select the Task to be assigned by clicking once so it is highlighted.
- Click on Assign
- You can choose to assign to a team and individual or just an individual
- Click on the drop down lists to select
- When selection is made click Assign
- Select the Task to be unassigned by clicking once so it is highlighted.
- Click on Unassign
- You will receive a warning
- Select Yes the task will become unassigned
Unassigned tasks will only appear in the task lists of the Fee Earner/Manager of the matter they relate to.
Edit Tasks
Tasks can be edited in the same locations as per Assign and Unassign above, Command Centre > Tasks or Matter > Tasks and then by Right Click Task or Select and Edit.
- Select the Task to edit, ensure it is highlighted.
- Click either Edit or right click > edit
- Change any detail as necessary
- Please note you can also assign to someone at the same time from this screen
- Click OK when complete to save and return to the previous screen.
Delete Tasks
Within MatterSphere there is also an option to delete tasks.
Warning: It is set by your own organisation whether or not you will have permission to delete tasks as this can have a detrimental effect on other tasks within workflows. Please check with your own organisation with relation to permissions.
Tasks can be deleted from the same locations as previously stated for Assign, Unassign and Edit.
Command Centre > Tasks
- Select the Task to delete (you cannot delete on a multiple selection)
- Click on Delete or Right Click > Delete
Matter > Tasks
- Select the Task to delete (you cannot delete on a multiple selection)
- Click on Delete
You cannot right click > delete from this screen.
In our next blog we will look at the different areas and ways to complete tasks and also how to add your own tasks.