What do you do when you are replying to an email that has lots of recipients?
It has been an issue for sometime; getting included in emails that you don’t need to see and people removing you from emails that you do need to see.
By moving email addresses into the BCC field you can separate the people who you would like to respond to your email [‘TO’], the people that might need to contribute to the content [‘CC’] and the people who perhaps just need to be aware of this email and don’t really need to be copied into to a future response. [‘BCC’]
You might find that the recipient will add people back in to [TO] and [CC] if they see users missing, but the etiquette that we have adopted internally is to just include in our reply a nice comment such as “FYI – Moved Joe and Tim to BCC to avoid recipient clutter, and will report back if required”.
What’s the future?
Whilst we have seen a move to Microsoft Teams for internal messaging – where managing general conversational noise is a bit easier, typical client correspondence will still happen around our Inbox. Artificial Intelligence is probably the answer, but it will take sometime to get machines to start deciding who or when someone should be included into an email.
We offer a free chat with any firms especially if you are based in or around Huddersfield or Brighouse, so reach out and we just might be able to assist you in making your workforce more productive.
For more detailed information about email etiquette please have a look at this article.