Do you use forms software such as OyezForms and Laserforms from Advanced? Here at Fusion we have built tools to ensure you can migrate any legacy forms to PDF providing you still have a valid license with Advanced. Our routine which can be fully managed or licensed for your internal use will hunt out, convert any form on your network or case management system. Obviously we support MatterSphere out of the box, simple file storage, but if you document management system is based on a database or has an API we can get the form out convert it and then import it back into your document management system retaining the same metadata.

The import utility has the following features;
- Populated via a loading table
- Sophisticated reporting and error checking – you always know if any corruptions have occured
- Batching – If speed of conversation is off essence you can have multiple virtual machine running with multiple batches. Should you not have the compute power then you can offload the whole task to Fusion to perform the conversion in their secure ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 accredited private cloud.
- Support more multiple DMS and case management systems
Our routine will ensure that you are getting a high success rate, in fact a recent migration we converted 71,000 files and only 91 failed. Out of those 91 none of them could be opened in the application anyway and thus were corrupt at a file level.
We have partnered with Formevo who offer a superior form technology that is delivered via a SAAS model, if you are wishing to move away from OyezForms or Laserforms please get in contact and we can arrange a demo.