What’s in a signature?
A signature is a very personal thing. It’s part of your identity and, indeed, graphologists can study handwritten signatures to assess all sorts of personality traits a signature may reveal about you.
They will look at the angle, size, legibility, completeness and embellishments of a signature to draw conclusions regarding a person’s levels of optimism, confidence, directness, privacy, determination and seriousness. In fact, a signature could be viewed as a strong indicator of what has become known as your ‘Personal Brand’.
But when it comes to signatures applied to emails, the individuality of the person can be lost due to the standard layout and font formats we are limited to. Our email signatures simply don’t standout!
Well, with some clever software it is possible to enhance every email you send to your clients and colleagues with a customised signature.
And this is important, because research shows that email usage is growing year-on-year with the 300 billion emails sent every day in 2022 forecasted to grow to 361 billion by 2024. Therefore, it would be a good idea to make the most of every ‘Sent Item’.
So how do we make email signatures more interesting?
Well, the are several enhancements that can be used to ‘power-up’ your email and at Fusion IT we use a solution called Exclaimer.
This is what we can do!
Customise your signature with branding, logos and accreditations
New and existing signature templates can be designed using a drag-and-drop designer that requires no HTML skills to use. It’s really intuitive!
Logos, promotional banners, social media icons, awards, and legal disclaimers can all be added to your design easily. You can then customize your design further with the fonts and colours of your brand to provide what marketers call a ‘consistent look and feel’.
Customise your signature with important corporate and marketing messages
Position the perfect messaging and content towards the appropriate audiences with precise targeting. Schedule signatures to automatically switch between designs as necessary, perfect for marketing campaigns and sales promotions.
For example, if you work in the Packaging Sector you may wish to communicate important CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) messages to your clients regarding a reduction in single-use plastics or improved use of sustainable labelling and packaging.
Alternatively, if you work in the Legal Sector as a Family Solicitor, you may wish to promote the additional services offered by a colleague surrounding Inheritance Law to your client for a more holistic solution.
Customise your signature with the option to book an appointment directly into your calendar
Scheduling appointments can be very difficult, particularly over long email chains. Selecting a convenient time for all parties can involve a lot of back-and-forth communications.
With Exclaimer, a link is included in every suitable message as part of its email signature. Recipients can then access the real-time availability of the sender and immediately book a meeting at the push of a button (fully integrated with MS Teams and other video platforms). This avoids any delays, long email conversations, and uncertainty regarding the level of service being provided.
Customise your signature with the option to gather feedback
Most organizations still gather feedback using long surveys and forms. These only ever run for defined periods and typically get a less than 1% response rate. This provides a minimal snapshot of real customer sentiment.
With the Exclaimer Signature Feedback Power Up, organisations can easily obtain feedback through the use of simple 1-click surveys within email signatures. This makes it effortless for recipients to interact with and provides a more constant stream of feedback.
Using Exclaimer Signature Feedback, surveys on every email touchpoint not only drives up response rates but allows organisations to understand where improvements will have the greatest effect. This means unhappy customers receive the necessary assistance, while delighted customers can be turned into brand advocates.