The coronavirus is unfortunately creating an environment for fraudsters to thrive using a range of tactics including coronavirus-themed phishing emails.
These emails try to trick people into opening malicious attachments or revealing sensitive personal and financial information.
Here are some ways to recognize and avoid coronavirus-themed phishing emails…
Beware of requests for personal information. A coronavirus-themed email that seeks personal information is a phishing scam – never respond to the email with your personal data.
Check the email address or link. Hoover over the URL (and check for spelling and grammatical mistakes), be mindful phishers can create links that closely resemble legitimate addresses.
Look for generic greetings. Phishing emails are not likely to use your name.
Avoid emails that insist you act now. Phishing emails tend to demand immediate action. Always take time to think about a request for your personal information, and whether the request is appropriate.
Stay safe online…before opening an email from an unknown source, be vigilant and always consider why someone wants your information or immediate action.