Cyber security is a vital issue for the road transport and logistics industry
Here at Fusion IT we have a strong customer base spread across numerous sectors, but we do have a particular focus on the Road Transport and Logistics industry and the protection of such organisations’ data.
Cyber security is a vital issue for the Road Transport and Logistics industry, which has faced a growing number of cyberattacks in recent years. Some of these attacks have caused significant disruption and damage to the affected firms and their customers. In this blog post, we will explore why this sector is so vulnerable to cyber threats and what can be done to mitigate the risks.
Why are Logistics firms targets for cyberattacks?
Large amounts of valuable and sensitive data
One of the main reasons why cyber criminals target road transport and logistics firms is the large amount of valuable and sensitive data they handle and store. This includes customer information, financial records, contracts, invoices, delivery schedules, inventory data, and more. Such data can be used for identity theft, fraud, extortion, or sold on the dark web.
Tight deadlines and high pressure
Another reason is the tight deadlines and high pressure that these firms operate under. Any delay or disruption in their operations can have serious consequences for their reputation, customer satisfaction, and profitability. This makes them more likely to pay a ransom in case of a ransomware attack, where hackers encrypt their data and demand money for its decryption. However, paying the ransom is not a guarantee that the data will be restored or that it won’t be leaked or sold. Moreover, these firms may face additional fines from regulators if they fail to comply with data protection laws such as GDPR.
Interconnected and integrated systems
A third reason is the increasing reliance on technology and digitalisation in this sector. Road transport and logistics firms use various systems and devices to manage their operations, such as vehicle tracking, route optimisation, fleet management, warehouse management, inventory control, online booking, and payment platforms. These systems are often interconnected and integrated with each other, as well as with external partners and suppliers. This creates a complex network of potential entry points for cyber attackers, who can exploit any vulnerability or weakness in the system.
Cultural trends
A fourth reason is a cultural trend which manifests itself in a lack of awareness and prioritisation of cyber security among many road transport and logistics firms. Some of these firms may not have adequate cyber security policies, procedures, or training in place. They may also lack the resources or expertise to implement effective cyber security measures or to respond to incidents quickly and effectively. They may also underestimate the impact or likelihood of a cyberattack on their business.
Third-party risks through their supply chain partners
A fifth reason is the exposure to third-party risks through their supply chain partners. Road transport and logistics firms often work with other companies that provide them with services or products, such as suppliers, subcontractors, carriers, agents, brokers, etc. These partners may have access to their systems or data, or they may share information with them. If any of these partners suffers a cyberattack or has poor cyber security practices, it can compromise the security of the whole supply chain attacks. Keep your security policies updated and your staff alert.
How can Logistics firms protect themselves?
Cyber security is essential for any business, but especially for road transport firms that rely on technology to operate. If you want to protect your company from cyberattacks, here are some best practices from Fusion IT Management:.
Reduce Your Exposure
Don’t leave any unnecessary systems open to the public. Use network segmentation to isolate different parts of your network and prevent attackers from moving around.
Use Your Existing Resources
Make sure your firewalls are configured to block unwanted traffic and access requests from suspicious IP addresses. Change the default passwords on all your devices and keep your software updated.
Test Your Defences
Hire a professional penetration tester or ethical hacker to find and fix any vulnerabilities in your network, website, or Wi-Fi.
Secure What You Can’t Control
Invest in next-generation firewalls and enterprise-level antivirus software. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for extra security.
Educate Your Staff
Train your employees to spot and avoid phishing emails, one of the most common and effective cyber attacks. Keep your security policies updated and your staff alert.
By following these steps, you can make your transport firm a harder target for cyber criminals. Cyber security is not optional, it is vital for your business continuity. If you need more help, contact the Fusion IT team for customised advice on how to protect your transport firm.